01 January 2007

Concerning Technology

Deciding to bring my computer was one of the hardest preparation decisions I have had to make. It is a huge part of my existence here at home, but I also understand that I am leaving the life of email and IMs behind. Part of me was happy to drop everything and head off to Kiribati with the bare minimum, but the more pragmatic part of me had reservations. I made a list and weighed the benefits and the drawbacks of bringing my laptop and DSL camera.


  • Access to eBooks
  • Curriculum and Education Resources on hand
  • Storage for Photos
  • Virtual Scrapbook
  • Digital Journal from the past 6 years
  • High-resolution professional quality photos
  • Instant Viewing
  • No film or other disposable materials needed


  • Foreign technology
  • Heavy & Fragile
  • Must provide power source
  • Extremely valuable

  • Foreign technology
  • Heavy & Fragile
  • Must provide power source
  • Extremely valuable
  • Professional look can be intimidating
In the end, the benefits out weighed the drawbacks. I am a photographer by trade and it would be a horrible shame to not capture such an experience to the fullest of my ability. I see my computer as an educational resource and storage for my camera. I can have hundreds of books on there, in addition to my previous educational materials. It will not have a presence in the classroom, but will be a useful tool on my own time.